Day 27: Yard Sticks

I’ve been working on a large crochet project, which needs to be within certain dimensions. When I started I used a yard stick to measure my chaining to make sure it was the correct length before continuing on. Today as I was working on it I noticed that the width (what I had originally chained) seemed much smaller than it should be, so I decided to get the yard stick out again to check. It was more than a foot shorter than it should’ve been! (I’m still not exactly sure how that happened!) While the prospect of starting the whole project over again is frustrating I am grateful that God prompted me to check it, and that yard sticks make it so easy to measure the dimensions I need for this project.

Day 27: Thank you Lord for yard sticks! They are so handy when you need to measure something flexible.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!