442: Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Friday night I went to the movie theater and saw the last movie by Stephen and Alex Kendrick: War Room. Let me just say right now I HIGHLY recommend to anyone reading this post right now that you go out and see it! The movie is so powerful and inspiring, and it’s all about the power of prayer, something that God has been teaching me a lot about this year. It will encourage your prayer life so much. I’ve seen all but the first of the Kendrick brother’s films and this one is probably my favorite. (though Courageous is a close second) I’ve enjoyed each one and I love the way they combine humor with seriousness for a powerful and memorable story. Each one has been an encouragement to me and other Christians I know. I pray that they will continue to produce more and more films like this one.

#442: Thank you Lord for Stephen and Alex Kendrick and their movies. Continue to bless them and their movies, that they would have an impact on the world.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#441: Computer not working

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a while, it’s because my laptop has been having issues lately, and I haven’t been able to use it consistently. Of course there are other computers that I could’ve used to post, but I have to share them and I don’t always have a lot of time.

This time has been really good for me, shortly before this all started I was beginning to realize that I was wasting too much time on my computer when I could’ve been using my time much more productively. Now that I haven’t been able to use my computer I have been spending time doing more meaningful things, (though I will admit probably not as much as I should) still, God has used this time to show me things about how I use my time that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

#441: Thank you Lord for this time when my computer hasn’t worked and what you’ve taught me about how I use my time as a result.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#440: Being able to share about my trip

We had a sharing time about our recent trip today. About 20 people came and it was great to be able to share about our trip and everything that happened while we were away. I hope everyone had a good time, and I was glad to have the opportunity to talk about my experiences. It was an amazing experience and I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to talk about it. You can talk to people about it, but things happen, you get interrupted or don’t have enough time, so you can’t share everything you wanted to or you forget something, so it was great to have a setting like this to be able to talk in.

#440: Thank you Lord for the opportunity to share about my trip today, and being able to talk about everything I wanted to.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#439: Nice Weather Today

This afternoon we lost power for about an hour and a half for no apparent reason. The weather is so nice today, not too hot or cold, and it’s bright and sunshiny. If we had to lose power I couldn’t ask for better weather, in the summer at least. We opened the windows and the shades to let the air and sunshine in. It was perfect until the power came back on.

#439: Thank you Lord for the nice weather today, so we didn’t suffer when the power went out and had enough light to be able to do what we needed today.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#438: New Work Computer

At my job not everyone has a computer at their desk, and until last week I was one of those people. It didn’t matter too much because I don’t always need one, and with some of my tasks I prefer as much work space as possible. When I need a computer, most of the time I can borrow someone else’s who doesn’t need it at the moment, but not always and it could be a huge pain to find one that was available and worked. Last week they upgraded all the computers, which was LONG overdue, and I got a computer at my desk! Since I didn’t have one before it took a couple of days for it to be fully operational, but I am SO happy to finally have one! It’ll make my job so much easier especially with the new operating system the installed with the computers.

#438: Thank you Lord for my new computer at work. Not having one has caused so many problems and now most of them will be solved, and make my job so much easier.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#437: Making it Home Safely Saturday Night

I had an awesome day Saturday with some friends about an hour and a half away from where I live. It was a great day, however the drive home was anything but. A huge thunderstorm rolled in with high winds, torrential rain, and lots and lots of lightening. It got so bad that at times you couldn’t see five feet in front of the car; fortunately every time that happened there were no other cars anywhere close to us. To make matters worse, our drive should’ve been almost all highway, but our GPS went on the fritz and took us on a round-a-bout trip through the countryside before we got to the highway. I’d be hard pressed to think of many worse conditions to drive home in, but we made it home safely, and I’m so grateful to God for getting us through that safely.

#437: Thank you Lord for getting us home safely Saturday night, we couldn’t have done it without your help.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#436: Foreign Language Class

Over the school year I took a class in the language of the country I just visited, and I’m glad I did! While I didn’t get to use my knowledge as much as I would’ve liked, it did come in handy several times when I was talking to people with limited English. I couldn’t carry on a conversation, but I knew enough. While I was there my speaking level didn’t really improve, but my listening and comprehension level certainly did. By the end of the trip I could listen to a conversation and about half the time I could get the gist of what they were talking about, considering this would probably never happen before the trip I’d say that’s a huge improvement!

#436: Thank you Lord for my foreign language class and how it helped me during the trip to communicate and understand the people around me.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#435: E-mailing to another country

Now that I’m back from my big trip I really miss the people I met there, fortunately there’s an easy way to keep in touch: e-mail! Since my return I’ve been e-mailing back and forth with several people I met there. It’s great to be able to keep in touch and hear what’s going on in their lives and share about mine. I hope we can keep it up and build better relationships. I still miss being there and being with them, but it’s better than nothing.

#435: Thank you Lord that I can easily e-mail the people I met on my trip. Help me to keep this communication going and develop my relationships with them.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#434: The Airline Finding my Bag

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted anything in almost a month I have a very good reason: I’ve been out of the country on my big trip. The trip was incredible and I’m sure I’ll be posting more about it soon, but first I have something more pressing. After our long flight back we had a short one on a turbo prop plane home. Unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of cargo space on it, and everyone in my group had big bags; also one of the other passengers had a heavy electric wheelchair, and as a result when we arrived at our destination we discovered most of our bags had not made it. It was almost 11pm, but we had to fill out a ton of paperwork so we could hopefully get our bags back. I was glad I didn’t have anything irreplaceable in my checked bags, but I wasn’t looking forward to having to replace what I did have. Yesterday I got a call from the airline saying they’d found my bag and I was so relieved, it arrived today and I’m so grateful the airline was able to find it.

#434: Thank you Lord that the airline found my bag, I was not looking forward to replacing everything in it.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!

#433: Everyone who helped with the surprise party

Last year I was asked to plan a surprise birthday party for Ms Cindy, the director of the Homeschool Harmonizers, and of course I said yes! Harmonizers was such a big part of my life and I knew it would be a lot of fun. Well, Sunday was the party and it was a big success! A ton of people came and she had no idea. I wanted to take some time and thank everyone who helped make the party possible:

-Everyone who knew about the party and kept it quiet. So many people have known about the party for so long we weren’t sure if we could keep it a secret, but we did.
-Everyone who came to the party. We knew no matter what it would be a great reunion and it certainly was.
-Ms Sue for making the delicious cake.
-Beth for driving the shuttle, so everyone didn’t have to walk from where they parked.
-Tamra and David, for taking her out for lunch so we could get everything ready.
-Jen, Josh, Quinn, and Michael for playing the music so we could sing.
-Amanda, Angie, Chloe, Lizzie, Caitlyn, Sam, Matt B, Kai, Amber, Abby and Katie for singing the solos and sounding amazing!
-Kai, Rachel, Tom, Josh, Quinn, Michael, Ryan, Matt M, Matt G, Rebecca, Jimmy, Amanda, Angie, Chloe, Lizzie and Caitlyn for being in the skit.
-Ms Maria for asking me to plan it and helping where she could.
-Jen my partner in crime for planning, it was great working with you again, and I miss talking with you in one way or another every day!

I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, but these are the people I can remember. Thanks again for all your help and talents for making this special party happen!

#433: Thank you Lord for everyone who helped with the surprise party Sunday, it was such a wonderful time and wouldn’t have been possible without them.

What are you thankful for today? Leave a Comment and let me know, I’d love to read it!